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Entry form pagination rules
Andrew Busuttil avatar
Written by Andrew Busuttil
Updated over 3 years ago

Pagination rules are only available in the Premium Package.

ContestPad includes the ability to add pagination form rules. These rules allow you to show or hide pages based on the value of a field in a previous page.

To setup a rule for you page select "Manage" for the entry form you want to create your rule for. Your form must contain page breaks before a pagination rule can be added.

To add a pagination rule, select the Rules tab.

Once selected, select the "Add" button and select "Add Rule"

Once selected you will be presented with the Rules setup form.

Give your rule a name and a priority order. The priority order is useful if you have multiple rules that potentially conflict e.g one field value hides a page and then another field value shows a page. In this case the rule with the highest priority will take precedence.

To make the rule Active select the "Active" button to ON.

Then select the rule type "Show/Hide Page".

The next two main sections are then split into two logical groups:

Rule: This section defines the logic for the rule to determine whether it is to perform the action.

Action: This is the action to perform if the rule evaluates to true.

Rule setup

To setup your rule first select the field you want to evaluate.

Next select the operator (or state) on how you want the rule to evaluate the field value. Note that these States can change depending on the field type you select.

Once you select the State then select the value of the field you want to compare against. Note that value is not always enabled depending on the State you select. For example if you select the State of "Filled" then the Value will be disabled as anything entered into the field would cause the rule to evaluate to TRUE.

Action setup

Once you have defined your rule you then select what action to perform if the rule evaluates to TRUE.

First select whether you want a specific page to HIDE or SHOW.

Once you select the action then select one or more pages to either HIDE or SHOW.

Important Note: The pages that will be selectable will only be page breaks that are positioned AFTER the field selected in the rule. You cannot select a page that contains or is before the field in the rule.

This validation is enforced even after a rule is created. For example, if you try to move a field or a page break that is included in a rule and the move would cause the page specified in the rule to be positioned before the field, then the move will not be allowed and it will be reverted. An error will also be displayed.

You also cannot create a rule that would cause a page to be hidden if that page includes core mandatory fields such as a Title field. An error will be displayed in this case.

Once the rule is created select save.

Now whenever the field value in the rule matches what the entrant selects the following selected page(s) will either be hidden or showed to the entrant as they progress through the pages.

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