Every field configuration in an entry form has display scope settings. These settings determine whether the field you have captured from entrants will be displayed in the normal entry page or for judges in the judging entry page.
There is also a number field under each setting which specifies the maximum number of characters to display in the page. If this is left at "0" then the entire fields contents are displayed.
The following switches are explained below:
Public Entry Page Header
This specifies whether the field is to be displayed in the header of the entry page under the main Title of the entry.
Public Entry Page
This specifies whether the field is to be displayed in the section under the main entry file of the entry page.
Moderation Page
This specifies whether the field is accessible to moderators in the moderation queue.
Judging Page
This specifies whether the field is to be displayed in the section under the main entry file of the judging entry page.