Once you have configured ContestPad to accept payments through the Stripe payment gateway (see: http://help.launchpad6.com/contestpad-knowledgebase/connecting-contestpad-to-a-payment-gateway) you can now setup to accept and monitor payments for entry.
To do this you need to add a payment field to an entry or voting form. This will add the payment field to the form when an entry is uploaded or is used in a voting form if this is enabled.
The settings for an entry payment field is a different to a voting payment field.
Entry Payment Field:
The entry payment field supports just a simple fixed fee per entry. You can set the currency and the fee you want to charge for entry.
Now you entry form will now automatically have the payment details appended to the bottom of the form.
Vote Payment Field
The Vote payment field allows for a voter to purchase multiple votes based on the settings in the payment field.
This includes:
The minimum votes a voter can purchase
The maximum votes a voter can purchase
The fee per vote
When a user the selects the number of votes they want to purchase within the range allowed the field will automatically calculate the amount based on the votes x fee per vote.
Setup receipt notifications
In order to ensure your customers receive a Receipt notification with every payment, go to the notifications tab and locate the Contest Entry Payment template.
The system will automatically send every participant who has made a payment a receipt notification via email using the details you place in this template.
Update this to reflect your needs. Note the variables that are used to provide the actual details of the transaction.
Monitoring transactions
Every transaction that is successfully received is tracked in the transactions table.ย
This can be exported for analysis. Remember also all transactions are going to the Stripe payment gateway so a full transaction history can also be found in the Stripe dashboard.