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Home dashboard
Andrew Busuttil avatar
Written by Andrew Busuttil
Updated over 7 years ago

The home dashboard provides the high level analytics for your contest and contest site.

The Contest Metrics widgets provide details around your active contest performance to date.

The Metrics that can be displayed include:

  •  New Contest Users

  •  Video Streams

  •  Entrant Views

  •  Video Finishes

  •  Comments

  •  Likes

  •  Dislikes

This list will continue to expand over time.

Each of the contest metric widgets displayed can be individually configured by selecting the widget cog.

Once the cog is selected a configuration window will be displayed.

This form allows you to change the look and feel of the metric widget.

The metrics tab allows for the widget to display different metrics.

You can also change the colour of the widget.

The main analytics screen provides details on the visitor access to the contest site. This is just a small subset of the analytics that are captured about visitors to the website.

Live Visitors – Display the visitors that have accessed the site in the last 5 minutes.

World Map – Displays what countries visitors have visited the contest site from. This widget also allows for other analytics to be displayed such as:

  •  Visits

  •  Actions

  •  Actions per Visit

  •  Avg. Time on Website

  •  Bounce Rate

The metric summary is then displayed in the bottom right hand corner of the widget.

The map can also be filtered by region or only specific countries.

Also by hovering over the countries with your mouse you can display the total visits and % of total visits for the specific country you have hovered over.

Browsers – Displays the browser types that were used to visit the contest site.

Pages – Displays the web pages on your contest site that people visited as well as how many unique users visited as well as what % left the site after viewing this page (bounce rate).

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